The pros and cons of working full time
Posted at 18/03/2024

A full-time work regime refers to the commitment to fulfil a full-time work schedule. Although it is the most common form of employment, there are pros and cons to consider before making the decision to adopt this type of regime for your professional life.
According to the Portuguese Labour Code, a full-time work regime is defined as one in which a worker carries out their professional activity during a normal working week of 35 hours or more. This is the most common working regime in Portugal and is subject to various rules and regulations in terms of working hours, pay and benefits. The Labour Code states that normal working hours may not exceed 40 hours per week, but there may be exceptions allowing for longer working hours in certain circumstances. In addition, rules on night work, work on compulsory weekly rest days and rest breaks during the working day are also specified.
Regarding remuneration, the Labour Code defines the national minimum wage for full-time workers. It also lays down rules on the payment of overtime, food allowance, holiday allowance and Christmas allowance. The Portuguese Labour Code also provides for the rights and benefits of full-time workers, such as the right to paid annual leave, parental leave, sick leave, marriage leave and maternity or paternity leave.
It's important to note that the Labour Code is subject to revisions and modifications, so it's essential to consult up-to-date legislation for accurate and detailed information on this type of working arrangement in Portugal. It is also recommended that workers consult their specific labour contract and/or collective agreements that may be applicable, as these may also contain additional provisions relating to working arrangements. Adopting a full-time work regime can have several positive and negative aspects that should be considered before deciding, and which very much depend on each individual circumstance.
With this in mind, Fed Finance gives you a brief overview of the main pros and cons of adopting a full-time work regime.
Financial stability
One of the main benefits of working full-time is the financial stability it provides. With a full- time job, you can earn a regular fixed income, which allows you to plan your finances more securely. This is especially important for people who have fixed expenses, such as property rents or bank loans.
Benefits and social security
Most full-time jobs offer access to a greater number of social benefits than part-time jobs. These benefits are fundamental to guaranteeing the employee's security and coverage for possible medical emergencies or future needs and may have extra weight in your decision making.
Opportunities for professional growth
By committing to a full-time work regime, an employee will have more possibilities to grow and advance in their career. Many employers offer professional development programs, training programs and internal promotions for employees who show dedication and a wider range of skills. With a full-time job, these employees will have enough time to dedicate to learning and developing their knowledge, increasing their chances of being promoted and achieving their professional goals.
Stability and routine
Working full-time brings greater routine and predictability to your days. This can be an advantage for people who prefer stability in their daily lives. A regular work routine makes it easier to organise your time and allows you to plan your personal activities around work more efficiently.
Lack of flexibility
One of the biggest cons of a full-time job is the lack of flexibility. This is because some companies require people to be physically present during set working hours. This can be problematic for those who have other obligations and activities, such as looking after children, having a second job, or studying. In this sense, a lack of flexibility can make it difficult to balance work and personal life.
Possible work overloads
In a full-time work regime, it is common for periods to arise in which the demands of the job increase and lead to periods of overload. This can result in long hours, stress and even mental health problems. It's important to be aware of this possibility and learn to manage your time appropriately.
Lower financial income
Although a full-time job offers some financial stability, there may be less financial input compared to more flexible jobs. This is because the income is fixed, which can limit your opportunities to earn extra money. In a more flexible lifestyle, a full-time job may not fulfil all your needs.
Less time for entrepreneurship
For those who want to be entrepreneurial or develop side projects, working full time can limit the time and energy available to pursue these goals as your time will be too absorbed by a single activity.
Keep in mind, adopting a full-time work regime has pros and cons that need to be considered before making this decision. Financial stability, benefits and opportunities for professional growth are major advantages of this type of regime. On the other hand, the lack of flexibility, the possibility of work overload and less financial flexibility are some of the disadvantages to consider. Carefully assess your personal circumstances and priorities before deciding on the right working arrangement for you.