Recruitment and selection: know the differences
Posted at 06/04/2023

When a company seeks new professionals to perform a function, it goes through a process called Recruitment and Selection. For this process to be done quickly and successfully it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of all the phases of this process.
Recruitment and selection are terms normally used together as if they represented the same practice. The truth is that, although they are both part of a single process aimed at filling vacancies for a particular position, the terms "Recruitment" and "Selection" refer to different phases of this process. Bringing the right and most competent people into the company workforce is one of the main concerns of Human Resources teams. And for this objective to be successfully achieved, it is important to bear in mind the differences that mark these two concepts and how they relate to each other.
The recruitment phase consists of attracting candidates for the vacancy required by the management teams. How? First it is necessary to make a description of the vacancy and then publish it in the various media. For this it is necessary to gather information about the vacancy and understand what the right skills are for the best performance of the vacancy. There are 2 types of Recruitment: Internal Recruitment and External Recruitment. In Internal Recruitment the vacancy is disseminated to employees already working in the company and they can be promoted to the same through a promotion or be transferred to new functions.
What are the main advantages of Internal Recruitment?
- Increased motivation for employees who may have a possibility to progress within the company and to try new functions;
- It speeds up the recruitment process once the vacancy communication process is faster and more direct;
- It is more accurate since the company already knows the worker and his/her way of working;
- Employees subsequently selected will find it easier to adapt since they already know the company.
- Enables the talent pool to be expanded, opening doors to people with differentiating skills who can be an asset to the company;
On the other hand, External Recruitment is used whenever we want to attract people from outside the organization for that job position. In this case the vacancy announcement can be done through different means, namely recruitment websites, newspapers or social networks.
What are the main advantages of External Recruitment?
The recruitment phase will end when the candidates express their interest for that vacancy and as you understand, when the aim is to attract the right people for the available position, the recruitment phase will influence the whole next phase of the process: the selection phase. Please note that to attract the right people for that vacancy in a recruitment phase, it is usual for companies to resort to Recruitment Companies that take over the whole process. Made up of professionals who are highly qualified to carry out the recruitment process, using an external company saves time and, at the same time, provides a range of professionals who are qualified to perform those functions.
After sending their CVs or expressing their interest in the company, the selection phase begins. This phase is longer and more complex since it is the one that will determine which candidate is selected for the position. During this selection phase, various tests will be carried out to assess the general and specific skills of each individual. Each evaluation moment has its specific objective and the evaluation methods used may vary according to the position in question.
Among them we can highlight curriculum evaluation, technical knowledge tests, psychological and behavioral tests, interviews, and group dynamics. Depending on the competences we want to assess, we will choose the most effective selection methods for that process. In resume, the recruitment phase and the selection phase are both part of the same process but with very specific and distinct characteristics. Understanding them is crucial to the success of a recruitment and selection process. Also understand that the recruitment phase can determine the success or on the contrary, delay or even compromise the selection phase, which is why it must be treated with due attention. When it comes to recruitment for specialist positions, hiring a recruitment company may even be the best option.
Fed Finance is a recruitment company specialized in the financial area, highly knowledgeable about the market in Portugal. Their consultants can help you recruit the best talent for your company ensuring a successful recruitment. If you need help in this area entrust a recruitment to us.