Impostor syndrome: how to overcome it

Posted by Fed Finance in Our employment advice
Posted at 05/06/2024
Impostor syndrome: how to overcome it

Fraudulent, undeserving, deceitful, insecure... This is how those who suffer from Impostor Syndrome constantly feel. Have you ever heard of this psychological phenomenon?

Impostor Syndrome is characterised by a persistent feeling of fraud and insecurity about one's own competences and achievements. Even when a person has proven experience and achievements, they can still feel inadequate, and fear being exposed as a fake. The individual doubts their own achievements and has a constant feeling that they are not worthy of the success they have achieved, and this is a condition that can have a significant impact on their life, affecting both the work environment and their personal relationships. 

When can Impostor Syndrome be a problem?

More common than you might think, Impostor Syndrome is a psychological condition that tends to be more common in more competitive professional environments or in situations of greater fragility or stress. 

In an increasingly competitive society, mental health should be a priority within work teams. Be aware of the warning signs:

  • Excessive perfectionism
  • Excessive self-demand
  • Difficulty accepting compliments
  • Constant comparison with others
  • Fear of being discovered as fraudulent

Consequences in the workplace and personal relationships

Impostor syndrome can have a negative impact on various areas of life. In the workplace, the person can feel constantly overwhelmed, unable to take on challenges and even sabotage their own opportunities for growth. In personal relationships, a lack of self-confidence can jeopardise the ability to relate to others in a healthy and authentic way.

Strategies for Facing and Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

Once you have recognised and identified your problem, it is essential to overcome it properly. Only in this way will you be able to avoid self-sabotage, promote self-confidence, reach your full potential, and enjoy success and personal and professional fulfilment.

Here are some strategies that will help you in this process:

  • Recognise and accept your feelings: It's important to identify and admit when you're facing some kind of problem, identifying your behaviour or thought pattern as unhealthy from the moment they prevent you from having a normal routine or cause you some kind of suffering.
  • Challenge your negative thoughts: Question self-deprecating beliefs and replace them with more positive and realistic thoughts.
  • Celebrate your achievements: Recognise and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. In this way you'll be building your self-confidence.
  • Find support: Talk to friends, family or professionals for feedback and emotional support.
  • Set realistic goals: Set achievable goals and work towards them consistently.
  • Learn from failure: View mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than as proof of incompetence.
  • Invest in your personal and professional development: Seek out courses, training and resources that can help you improve your skills.
  • Practise self-compassion: Be kind to yourself and treat yourself with the same compassion as you would a friend who is going through difficulties.
  • Share your experiences: By talking openly about your feelings of inadequacy, you may discover that you're not alone and receive support from other people who are also facing imposter syndrome.

 Facing this kind of problem can be a challenge, but with self-knowledge, support and dedication, you can overcome this condition and rediscover your own confidence and worth. Remember: you are capable and deserving of the success you have achieved. Dealing with this phenomenon allows you to develop a more realistic view of yourself, to value your achievements and to face challenges in a more assertive and positive way.